VHB Konferenz 2024 an der Leuphana Universität Lüneburg
v.l. Prof. Dr. Matthias Baum, Leonie Gärtner, Mirjam Streeb, Nadine Albrecht, Johannes Hähnlein
Wir freuen uns sehr, dass das IEI bei der VHB Konferenz 2024 an der Leuphana Universität Lüneburg mit diesen Beiträgen vertreten war:
- Who should I blame for my venture's failure? The role of gender and stereotypes in recruiters' perception of former entrepreneurs' failure narratives (Albrecht, Küsshauer, Baum & Isidor)
- Institutional Influence on the Pursuit of Social Motives in Entrepreneurial Ventures (Gärtner, Yahyaoui & Isidor)
- How Do Entrepreneurs Decide to Contribute? A Social Exchange Perspective on Downward Causation in Entrepreneurial Ecosystems (Hähnlein, Baum & Durst)
Passionate Today, Passionate Tomorrow? Examining the Self-Enhancing and Self-Regulating Effect of Passion (Streeb, Baum, Gielnik & Schack)