Team > Prof. Dr. Rodrigo Isidor
Faculty of Law and Economics
BWL IV: Chair of Human Resource Management & Intrapreneurship
since 08/2019 | Holder of the Chair of Business Administration IV: HRM & Intrapreneurship, University of Bayreuth |
09/2016 – 07/2019 | Professor of International Management (Representative), University of Passau |
05/2013 – 08/2016 | Scientific Director of the Technology Transfer & Business Start-up Center of the University of Paderborn (Tec-UP) and Director of the Paderborn School of Entrepreneurship & Innovation (PSEI) |
04/2013 – 08/2016 | Academic Council at the Chair of International Business (Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Kabst), Paderborn University |
06/2012 – 03/2013 | Scientific Director of the EXIST III funded Entrepreneurship Cluster Mittelhessen (ecm) |
05/2011 – 03/2013 | Academic Council at the Chair of Human Resource Management, Medium-Sized Businesses & Entrepreneurship (Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Kabst), Justus-Liebig-University Gießen |
04/2007 – 04/2011 | Research Assistant at the Chair of Human Resource Management, Medium-Sized Businesses & Entrepreneurship (Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Kabst), Justus-Liebig-University Gießen |
Faculty of Law and Economics
BWL IV: Chair of Human Resource Management & Intrapreneurship
Prof. Isidor's research focuses on the interface between human resource management, international management and entrepreneurship. In particular, the focus is on:
- Teams (especially the effects of diversity on team performance)
- International HRM (especially international comparative human resource management)
- Migrants & Expatriates (especially the adaptation to cultural and institutional differences)
- (Organizational) Culture (in particular the effect of culture on innovativeness or entrepreneurial orientation)
- Entrepreneurial Intention and Behavior (especially with regard to gender differences and stereotypes)
- Corporate Entrepreneurship (especially the role of HR)
- Social Entrepreneurship (in particular the separation from "classical" start-up activities)
Previous research work on these topics has already been successfully published in internationally renowned journals such as Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, International Business Review, Small Business Economics or International Journal of Human Resource Management. Prof. Isidor is also a member of the editorial board of the International Journal for Human Resource Management and a reviewer for leading academic journals such as the Journal of Management Studies.
Faculty of Law and Economics
BWL IV: Chair of Human Resource Management & Intrapreneurship
Isidor, Rodrigo; Baum, Matthias; Schneid, Matthias; Franzke, Sonja; Schüler, Jens
Intrapreneurship Monitor 2023
Bayreuth : Selbstverlag, 2023. - 47 pp. ...
Isidor, Rodrigo; Baum, Matthias; Franzke, Sonja; Schüler, Jens
Intrapreneurship Monitor 2022
Bayreuth : Selbstverlag, 2022
Baum, Matthias; Isidor, Rodrigo; Franzke, Sonja; Schüler, Jens; Strich, Franz
Intrapreneurship Monitor 2021
publ: Baum, Matthias; Isidor, Rodrigo
Bayreuth : Selbstverlag, 2021. - 78 pp. . - (Intrapreneurship Monitor) ...
Baum, Matthias; Isidor, Rodrigo; Franzke, Sonja; Schüler, Jens; Strich, Franz; Böhnlein, Philipp; Genrich, Robert; Schunk, Andreas; Stumpf, Christian; Teringl, Christian; Yahyaoui, Yasmine
Intrapreneurship Monitor 2020
publ: Baum, Matthias; Isidor, Rodrigo
Bayreuth : Selbstverlag, 2020. - 42 pp. . - (Intrapreneurship Monitor) ...
Isidor, Rodrigo
Governance in Multinational Corporations : Human Resources and Collaborative Performance
Gießen 2011
Kabst, Rüdiger; Thost, Wolfgang; Isidor, Rodrigo
Interim Management : auf dem Weg zur Selbstverständlichkeit
Düsseldorf : Handelsblatt Fachverlag, 2010
Complete issue of a journal
Enlarging the focus on the role of competencies, abilities, and personality in management ...
publ: Kabst, Rüdiger; Isidor, Rodrigo; Schwens, Christian; Steinmetz, Holger
Management Revue vol. 21 (2010) issue 3
Article in a journal (peer-reviewed)
Yahyaoui, Yasmine; Jakob, Eva Alexandra; Steinmetz, Holger; Wehner, Marius C.; Isidor, Rodrigo; Kabst, Rüdiger
The equivocal image of young social enterprises : How self-versus other-oriented values in ...
in Nonprofit Management & Leadership vol. 33 (2023) issue 4. - pp. 755-781
doi:10.1002/nml.21552 ...
Yahyaoui, Yasmine; Jakob, Eva Alexandra; Isidor, Rodrigo
Team Value Compositions and Business Model Quality in Social versus Commercial Entrepreneu ...
in Academy of Management Proceedings (2022) issue 1
doi:10.5465/AMBPP.2022.12445abstract ...
Steinmetz, Holger; Isidor, Rodrigo; Bauer, Corinna
Gender differences in the intention to start a business : An updated and extended meta-ana ...
in Zeitschrift für Psychologie vol. 229 (2021) issue 1. - pp. 70-84
doi:10.1027/2151-2604/a000435 ...
Steinmetz, Holger; Bosnjak, Michael; Isidor, Rodrigo
Meta-analytische Strukturgleichungsmodelle
in Psychologische Rundschau vol. 71 (2020) issue 2. - pp. 111-118
doi:10.1026/0033-3042/a000483 ...
Yahyaoui, Yasmine; Jakob, Eva Alexandra; Steinmetz, Holger; Isidor, Rodrigo; Wehner, Marius
The Ambivalent Image of Social Enterprises - Human Values as a Source of Explanation
in Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings (2019) issue 1
doi:10.5465/AMBPP.2019.17256abstract ...
Schmitz, Eva Alexandra; Isidor, Rodrigo; Steinmetz, Holger; Wehner, Marius; Kabst, Rüdiger
The other side of the same coin : How communal beliefs about entrepreneurship influence at ...
in Journal of Vocational Behavior vol. 112 (2019) . - pp. 431-445
doi:10.1016/j.jvb.2018.12.007 ...
Schwens, Christian; Zapkau, Florian B.; Bierwerth, Michael; Isidor, Rodrigo; Knight, Gary; Kabst, Rüdiger
International Entrepreneurship : a Meta–Analysis on the Internationalization and Performan ...
in Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice vol. 42 (2018) issue 5. - pp. 734-768
doi:10.1111/etap.12280 ...
Li, Chengguang; Isidor, Rodrigo; Dau, Luis A.; Kabst, Rudy
The More the Merrier? : Immigrant concentration and entrepreneurial activities
in Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice vol. 42 (2018) issue 5. - pp. 698-733
doi:10.1177/1042258718795344 ...
Schneid, Matthias; Isidor, Rodrigo; Steinmetz, Holger; Kabst, Rüdiger
Age diversity and team outcomes : a quantitative review
in Journal of Managerial Psychology vol. 31 (2016) issue 1. - pp. 2-17
doi:10.1108/JMP-07-2012-0228 ...
Bierwerth, Michael; Schwens, Christian; Isidor, Rodrigo; Kabst, Rüdiger
Corporate entrepreneurship and performance : a meta-analysis
in Small Business Economics vol. 45 (2015) issue 2. - pp. 255-278
doi:10.1007/s11187-015-9629-1 ...
Klonek, F.E.; Isidor, Rodrigo; Kauffeld, S.
Different Stages of Entrepreneurship : Lessons from the Transtheoretical Model of Change
in Journal of Change Management vol. 15 (2015) issue 1. - pp. 43-63
doi:10.1080/14697017.2014.918049 ...
Isidor, Rodrigo; Schwens, Christian; Hornung, Frank; Kabst, Ruediger
The impact of structural and attitudinal antecedents on the instability of international j ...
in International Business Review vol. 24 (2015) issue 2. - pp. 298-310
doi:10.1016/j.ibusrev.2014.08.001 ...
Schneid, Matthias; Isidor, Rodrigo; Li, Chengguang; Kabst, Rüdiger
The influence of cultural context on the relationship between gender diversity and team pe ...
in The International Journal of Human Resource Management vol. 26 (2015) issue 6. - pp. 733-756
doi:10.1080/09585192.2014.957712 ...
Schneid, Matthias; Isidor, Rodrigo; Steinmetz, Holger; Kabst, R.; Weber, I.
Der Einfluss der Teamdiversität auf die Teamleistung : eine Metaanalyse
in Die Betriebswirtschaft vol. 74 (2014) issue 3. - pp. 183-210
Isidor, Rodrigo; Schwens, Christian; Kabst, Ruediger
Interim management utilisation, firm flexibility and its impact on firm performance
in International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management vol. 14 (2014) issue 4. - pp. 174-186
doi:10.1504/IJHRDM.2014.069327 ...
Isidor, Rodrigo; Steinmetz, Holger; Schwens, Christian; Kabst, Ruediger
Linking transaction cost and social exchange theory to explain strategic alliance performa ...
in International Journal of Strategic Business Alliances vol. 3 (2014) issue 2/3. - pp. 140-167
doi:10.1504/IJSBA.2014.062333 ...
Haus, Inga; Steinmetz, Holger; Isidor, Rodrigo; Kabst, Rüdiger
Gender effects on entrepreneurial intention : a meta‐analytical structural equation model ...
in International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship vol. 5 (2013) issue 2. - pp. 130-156
doi:10.1108/17566261311328828 ...
Isidor, Rodrigo; Schwens, Christian; Kabst, Rüdiger; Hornung, Frank
Internationaler Joint Venture Erfolg : eine Meta-Analyse
in Journal of Business Economics = Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft vol. 82 (2012) issue 5. - pp. 539-583
doi:10.1007/s11573-012-0561-4 ...
Steinmetz, Holger; Isidor, Rodrigo; Bäuerle, Naissa
Testing the circular structure of human values : a meta-analytical structural equation mod ...
in Survey Research Methods vol. 6 (2012) issue 1. - pp. 61-75
doi:10.18148/srm/2012.v6i1.5096 ...
Isidor, Rodrigo; Schwens, Christian; Kabst, Ruediger
Human resource management and early internationalization : is there a leap-frogging in int ...
in The International Journal of Human Resource Management vol. 22 (2011) issue 10. - pp. 2167-2184
doi:10.1080/09585192.2011.580186 ...
Schwens, Christian; Isidor, Rodrigo; Bierwerth, Michael; Kabst, Rüdiger
International entrepreneurship : a meta-analysis
in Academy of Management Proceedings (2011) issue 1
doi:10.5465/ambpp.2011.65869616 ...
Steinmetz, Holger; Schwens, Christian; Isidor, Rodrigo; Kabst, Rüdiger
Editorial : Enlarging the focus on the role of competencies, abilities, and personality in ...
in Management Revue vol. 21 (2010) issue 3. - pp. 225-228
Article in a journal (not peer-reviewed)
Isidor, Rodrigo; Stumpf, Christian; Teringl, Christian; Baum, Matthias
Das Ergebnis gelebten Unternehmertums
in Changement! : Veränderungsprozesse aktiv und erfolgreich gestalten (2021) issue 4. - pp. 28-32
Göddertz, Silke; Isidor, Rodrigo; Wehner, Marius
Genderspezifische Eigenschaften und Statements in Stellenausschreibungen
in PERSONALquarterly vol. 68 (2016) issue 1. - pp. 40-45 ...
Thost, Wolfgang; Isidor, Rodrigo
Unternehmensberater oder Interim Manager? : die Transaktionskosten entscheiden
in PERSONALquarterly vol. 66 (2014) issue 4. - pp. 28-33 ...
Kabst, Rüdiger; Thost, Wolfgang; Isidor, Rodrigo
Vorteil Interim Management
in Personal vol. 61 (2009) issue 2. - pp. 20-22
Kabst, R.; Isidor, Rodrigo; Thost, Wolfgang; Linné, H.
Was zeichnet einen erfolgreichen Interim Manager aus?
in HR Services (2009) issue 3. - pp. 23-25
Kabst, Rüdiger; Thost, Wolfgang; Isidor, Rodrigo
Interim Management : Partner für mehr Wachstum
in Personalwirtschaft (2008) issue 3. - pp. 52-54
Article in a book (not peer-reviewed)
Stumpf, Christian; Isidor, Rodrigo; Baum, Matthias; Meßner-Schmitt, Florian
Gestaltungsoptionen von Intrapreneurship-Programmen
In: Kraus, Rafaela ; Kreitenweis, Tanja ; Jeraj, Brigita (ed.): Intrapreneurship : Unternehmergeist, Systeme und Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten - Berlin ; Heidelberg: Springer Gabler, 2022. - pp. 181-193
doi:10.1007/978-3-662-64102-6_12 ...
Baum, Matthias; Isidor, Rodrigo
The influence of cultural context on expatriate adjustment
In: Bader, Benjamin ; Schuster, Tassilo ; Bader, Anna Katharina (ed.): Expatriate management : transatlantic dialogue - London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017. - pp. 165-190
doi:10.1057/978-1-137-57406-0_6 ...
Isidor, Rodrigo; Schwens, Christian; Kabst, Rüdiger
Die Messung von Joint-Venture Erfolg
In: Zentes, Joachim (ed.): Markteintrittsstrategien : Dynamik und Komplexität - Wiesbaden: Gabler, 2012. - pp. 193-205
doi:10.1007/978-3-8349-3504-5_8 ...
Isidor, Rodrigo; Schwens, Christian; Kabst, Rüdiger
A conceptual framework for the international staffing of early internationalizers
In: Schmid, Stefan (ed.): Internationale Unternehmungen und das Management ausländischer Tochtergesellschaften - Wiesbaden: Gabler, 2011. - pp. 317-332
doi:10.1007/978-3-8349-6104-4_12 ...
Kabst, Rüdiger; Isidor, Rodrigo
Interim Management aus Unternehmenssicht
In: Dahl, Holger ; Riedel, Andreas (ed.): Praxishandbuch Interim-Management - Frechen: DATAKONTEXT Fachvlg., 2008. - pp. 82-93
Conference item (peer-reviewed)
Albrecht, Nadine; Boddington, Monique Ingrid; Baum, Matthias; Isidor, Rodrigo
"Once an Entrepreneur, Always an Entrepreneur!" : Identity Rigidity and Identity Permeabil ...
27th Annual Interdisciplinary Conference on Entrepreneurship, Innovation and SMEs (G-Forum): Entrepreneurship and Transformation – Future Viability in Times of Fundamental Change, Ingolstadt, Deutschland
Albrecht, Nadine; Küsshauer, Alexander; Baum, Matthias; Isidor, Rodrigo
Who Should I Blame for My Venture's Failure? The Role of Gender and Stereotypes in Recruit ...
84th Annual Scientific Conference of the German Academic
Association for Business Research (VHB), Lüneburg
Albrecht, Nadine; Baum, Matthias; Isidor, Rodrigo; Milanov, Hana
"On the Yoga Mat" With Female Entrepreneurs : How Media Portrayals Affect Venture Capitali ...
Academy of Management Journal Paper and Idea Development Workshop, Darmstadt
Albrecht, Nadine; Baum, Matthias; Isidor, Rodrigo; Milanov, Hana
Language, Categorization, and Gender : Entrepreneurs' Media Coverage Affecting Venture Cap ...
Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal Special Issue Pre-Submission Workshop on “Framing Novelty: A Linguistic Approach to The Understanding of Entrepreneurship, Creativity, And Innovation”, Crete, Greece
Albrecht, Nadine; Kuesshauer, Alexander; Baum, Matthias; Isidor, Rodrigo; Schüler, Jens; Franzke, Sonja
Narratives as a Tool for Former Entrepreneurs to Overcome Recruiters' Stereotypical Percep ...
26. Interdisziplinäre Jahreskonferenz zu Entrepreneurship, Innovation und Mittelstand (G-Forum), Darmstadt
Albrecht, Nadine; Kuesshauer, Alexander; Baum, Matthias; Isidor, Rodrigo; Schüler, Jens; Franzke, Sonja
The Role of Stereotypes in Recruiters' Perceptions of Former Entrepreneurs
Conducting Experiments in Entrepreneurship Research : 4th Paper Development Workshop for Early-Career Scholars, Online
Albrecht, Nadine; Franzke, Sonja; Baum, Matthias; Isidor, Rodrigo
Managing Legitimacy on Social Media : Female Entrepreneurs' Self-Presentation and Customer ...
Managing Social Evaluations in a Complex and Evolving World (Online Workshop in preparation for the Journal of Management Studies Special Issue), Online
Albrecht, Nadine; Franzke, Sonja; Baum, Matthias; Isidor, Rodrigo
It's a (Mis-)Match : Female Entrepreneurs' Social Media Communication and Recipients' Perc ...
25. Interdisziplinäre Jahreskonferenz zu Entrepreneurship, Innovation und Mittelstand (G-Forum), Dresden
Yahyaoui, Yasmine; Jakob, Eva Alexandra; Isidor, Rodrigo
Not all the same : The differential role of team value composition for the business model ...
25. Interdisziplinäre Jahreskonferenz zu Entrepreneurship, Innovation und Mittelstand (G-Forum), Dresden
Yahyaoui, Yasmine; Jakob, Eva Alexandra; Steinmetz, Holger; Isidor, Rodrigo; Wehner, Marius
The Ambivalent Image of Social Enterprises - Human Values as a Source of Explanation
23. Interdisziplinäre Jahreskonferenz zu Entrepreneurship, Innovation und Mittelstand „Die Chancen von KMU in einer globalisierten Welt“, Wien, Österreich
Yahyaoui, Yasmine; Jakob, Eva Alexandra; Steinmetz, Holger; Isidor, Rodrigo; Wehner, Marius
The Ambivalent Image of Social Enterprises - Human Values as a Source of Explanation
Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM-2019), Boston, USA
Yahyaoui, Yasmine; Jakob, Eva Alexandra; Steinmetz, Holger; Isidor, Rodrigo; Wehner, Marius
The Ambivalent Image of Social Enterprises - Human Values as a Source of Explanation
II Paper Development Seminar : New Developments in Entrepreneurial Process Research, Seville, Spain
Schmitz, Eva Alexandra; Isidor, Rodrigo
Does corporate social performance help to attract and retain employees : a meta-analytical ...
doi:10.5465/AMBPP.2017.17740abstract ...
Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Atlanta, USA
Isidor, Rodrigo; Schmitz, Eva Alexandra; Steinmetz, Holger; Wehner, Marius
How counter-stereotypical information can change the beliefs and attitude towards entrepre ...
21. Interdisziplinäre Jahreskonferenz zu Entrepreneurship, Innovation & Mittelstand (G-Forum), Wuppertal
Li, Chengguang; Isidor, Rodrigo; Dau, L.; Kabst, Rüdiger
The More the Merrier? : Immigrant concentration and entrepreneurial activities
Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA
Isidor, Rodrigo; Reineke, Kristina; Steinmetz, Holger; Kabst, Rüdiger
Women on Top Management Teams and Firm Performance : the Moderating Role of Recruiting sou ...
Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA
Baum, Matthias; Isidor, Rodrigo; Kabst, Rüdiger
Individual level outcomes of corporate social performance
VHB Herbstworkshop Kommission Personal, Hamburg, Germany
Conference item (not peer-reviewed)
Isidor, Rodrigo; Hoos, Katrin
The influence of culture on expatriate adaption
VHB Kommisionstagung WK Personal, München
Isidor, Rodrigo; Steinmetz, Holger; Reineke, Christian; Kabst, Rüdiger
Diversity, team processes, and performance : A meta-analytical structural equation model
VHB Kommissionstagung WK Personal, Paderborn
Isidor, Rodrigo; Wehner, Marius; Eickhoff, Judith; Kabst, Rüdiger
How gendered wording in job advertisements influences female applicant pool quantity and q ...
Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA
Li, Chengguang; Isidor, Rodrigo; Dau, L.; Kabst, Rüdiger
Immigrant concentration and entrepreneurial activities
Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada
Bierwerth, Michael; Schwens, Christian; Isidor, Rodrigo
Corporate entrepreneurship and firm performance : A meta-analysis
VHB Kommissionstagung TIE, TUM
Schneid, Matthias; Isidor, Rodrigo; Li, Chengguang; Kabst, Rüdiger
The influence of cultural context on the relationship between gender diversity and team pe ...
AIB conference in Vancouver, Canada & Jahrestagung der Kommission Internationales Management, WU Wien,
Schneid, Matthias; Steinmetz, Holger; Isidor, Rodrigo; Kabst, Rüdiger
Diversität, Konflikte und Leistung in Teams : Ein meta-analytisches Strukturgleichungsmode ...
Herbstworkshop der Kommission Personal, Hamburg
Isidor, Rodrigo; Hornung, Frank; Kabst, Rüdiger
The effect of asymmetrical changes in partners' behavior and attitudes on the instability ...
AIB conference, Istanbul
Li, Chengguang; Isidor, Rodrigo; Kabst, Rüdiger
Overcoming institutional risks in foreign Multinational activities with immigrant social c ...
EIBA conference, Bremen
Isidor, Rodrigo; Hornung, Frank; Kabst, Rüdiger
The effect of asymmetrical changes in partners' behavior and attitudes on the instability ...
Kommission Internationales Management, Augsburg
Baum, Matthias; Isidor, Rodrigo
Individual level outcomes of corporate social performance
Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting, Boston, USA
Schneid, Matthias; Isidor, Rodrigo; Steinmetz, Holger; Kabst, Rüdiger; Diehl, A.
Age diversity and team outcomes : A meta-analysis
9. Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreises für Empirirsche Personal- und Organisationsforschung (AKempor),
Isidor, Rodrigo; Steinmetz, Holger; Schwens, Christian; Kabst, Rüdiger
Alternative theoretical perspectives on IJV performance : Evidence from meta-analytic stru ...
Kommission Internationales Management, Saarbrücken
Isidor, Rodrigo; Steinmetz, Holger; Kabst, Rüdiger
Beschäftigungsform und OCB : der moderierende Einfluss von Arbeitszufriedenheit
Herbstworkshop der Kommission Personal, Gießen
Schneid, Matthias; Isidor, Rodrigo; Steinmetz, Holger; Kabst, Rüdiger; Weber, H.
Der Einfluss biodemographischer und aufgabenorientierter Diversität auf die Leistung von T ...
Herbstworkshop der Kommission Personal, Gießen
Schwens, Christian; Isidor, Rodrigo; Bierwerth, Michael
International entrepreneurship : A meta-analysis on determinants of internationalization a ...
G-Forum Konferenz, Köln
Schwens, Christian; Isidor, Rodrigo; Bierwerth, Michael
International entrepreneurship : A meta-analysis on determinants of internationalization a ...
EIBA conference, Porto, Portugal
Isidor, Rodrigo; Schwens, Christian; Steinmetz, Holger
International joint-venture performance : A meta-analytical structural equation model
EIBA conference, Valencia
Isidor, Rodrigo; Kabst, Rüdiger
Interim management in MNCs : A multi-theoretical examination
EIBA conference, Tallinn, Estland
Kabst, Rüdiger; Isidor, Rodrigo
Internationale Stellenbesetzungspolitik in early Internationalizers : Eine empirische Anal ...
Kommission Internationales Management, Berlin
Kabst, Rüdiger; Isidor, Rodrigo
Internationale Stellenbesetzungspolitik in early Internationalizers : Eine empirische Anal ...
Herbstworkshop Kommission Personal, Hamburg
Isidor, Rodrigo; Hornung, Frank; Kabst, Rüdiger
Joint venture performance : a meta-analysis
EIBA conference, Catania, Italien
Project report, research report, expert assessments
Isidor-Serrano, Felipe; Isidor, Rodrigo; Weinand, Julia
Die Unternehmenskultur der GIZ : Unternehmensstrategische Evaluierung - Hauptbericht ; Im ...
publ: Engel, Albert
Bonn ; Eschborn : Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, 2020. - 108 pp.
Faculty of Law and Economics
BWL IV: Chair of Human Resource Management & Intrapreneurship
Prof. Dr. Rodrigo Isidor
Prof. Dr. Isidor
Chair holder
University of Bayreuth
Building: RW II Room: 2.11 Universitätsstraße 30, D-95447 Bayreuth Phone: 49 (0)921- 55-6280 Mail: