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Chair of Human Resource Management & Intrapreneurship - Prof. Dr. Rodrigo Isidor

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Team > Nadine Albrecht

nadine_albrecht Nadine Albrecht

Faculty of Law and Economics
BWL IV: Chair of Human Resource Management & Intrapreneurship


Since 04/2021Research accociate at Department for Entrepreneurship & Innovation, University of Bayreuth
04/2024-08/2024Visiting Researcher at University of Cambridge, Judge Business School, United Kingdom
11/2020 - 03/2021Research assistant at the Chair of Entrepreneurship and Digital Business Models, University of Bayreuth
2016-2018 and 2020-2021Master of Arts in International Economics and Governance, University of Bayreuth
2018 - 2019Master of Arts in Media Design at the Mediadesign Hochschule München
2014 - 2016Various practical experiences as an intern and working student in the automotive industry as well as in strategic management consulting
2012 - 2016Bachelor degree of Arts in Media Design at the Mediadesign Hochschule München; 2015 semester abroad in Boston, USA

Faculty of Law and Economics
BWL IV: Chair of Human Resource Management & Intrapreneurship

  • Entrepreneurial Exit (esp. failure, identity developments post exit)
  • Female Entrepreneurship (esp. gender roles, stereotypes, stigma)
  • Entrepreneurial Communication
  • Organizational Behavior (esp. hybrid entrepreneurs, boundary management, hiring former entrepreneurs)

Faculty of Law and Economics
BWL IV: Chair of Human Resource Management & Intrapreneurship


Article in a journal (peer-reviewed)

Albrecht, Nadine; Franzke, Sonja
Rebel or Relent : Matching Female Entrepreneurs’ Self-Presentation to Recipients’ Percepti ...
in Academy of Management Proceedings (2022) issue 1
doi:10.5465/AMBPP.2022.15961abstract ...

Conference item (peer-reviewed)

Albrecht, Nadine; Franzke, Sonja; Baum, Matthias; Isidor, Rodrigo
Rebelling Against or Succumbing to Gender Role Stereotypes? Evidence from Female Entrepren ...
Research Seminar "Paradox & Gender", Hamburg, Germany

Albrecht, Nadine; Boddington, Monique Ingrid; Baum, Matthias; Isidor, Rodrigo
"Once an Entrepreneur, Always an Entrepreneur!" : Identity Rigidity and Identity Permeabil ...
27th Annual Interdisciplinary Conference on Entrepreneurship, Innovation and SMEs (G-Forum): Entrepreneurship and Transformation – Future Viability in Times of Fundamental Change, Ingolstadt, Deutschland

Albrecht, Nadine; Küsshauer, Alexander; Baum, Matthias; Isidor, Rodrigo
Who Should I Blame for My Venture's Failure? The Role of Gender and Stereotypes in Recruit ...
84th Annual Scientific Conference of the German Academic Association for Business Research (VHB), Lüneburg

Albrecht, Nadine; Baum, Matthias; Isidor, Rodrigo; Milanov, Hana
"On the Yoga Mat" With Female Entrepreneurs : How Media Portrayals Affect Venture Capitali ...
Academy of Management Journal Paper and Idea Development Workshop, Darmstadt

Albrecht, Nadine; Kilian, Viktoria Georgina
We are Family... Aren't we? Entrepreneurs' and Employees' Boundary Management in Start-ups
Academy of Management Journal Paper and Idea Development Workshop, Darmstadt

Albrecht, Nadine; Baum, Matthias; Isidor, Rodrigo; Milanov, Hana
Language, Categorization, and Gender : Entrepreneurs' Media Coverage Affecting Venture Cap ...
Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal Special Issue Pre-Submission Workshop on “Framing Novelty: A Linguistic Approach to The Understanding of Entrepreneurship, Creativity, And Innovation”, Crete, Greece

Albrecht, Nadine; Kuesshauer, Alexander; Baum, Matthias; Isidor, Rodrigo; Schüler, Jens; Franzke, Sonja
Narratives as a Tool for Former Entrepreneurs to Overcome Recruiters' Stereotypical Percep ...
26. Interdisziplinäre Jahreskonferenz zu Entrepreneurship, Innovation und Mittelstand (G-Forum), Darmstadt

Albrecht, Nadine; Kuesshauer, Alexander; Baum, Matthias; Isidor, Rodrigo; Schüler, Jens; Franzke, Sonja
The Role of Stereotypes in Recruiters' Perceptions of Former Entrepreneurs
Conducting Experiments in Entrepreneurship Research : 4th Paper Development Workshop for Early-Career Scholars, Online

Albrecht, Nadine; Franzke, Sonja; Baum, Matthias; Isidor, Rodrigo
Managing Legitimacy on Social Media : Female Entrepreneurs' Self-Presentation and Customer ...
Managing Social Evaluations in a Complex and Evolving World (Online Workshop in preparation for the Journal of Management Studies Special Issue), Online

Albrecht, Nadine; Franzke, Sonja; Baum, Matthias; Isidor, Rodrigo
It's a (Mis-)Match : Female Entrepreneurs' Social Media Communication and Recipients' Perc ...
25. Interdisziplinäre Jahreskonferenz zu Entrepreneurship, Innovation und Mittelstand (G-Forum), Dresden

Albrecht, Nadine
Matching Female Entrepreneurs' Self-Presentation on Social Media to Recipients' Perception ...
Women as Leaders: Do They Make a Difference? : Zoom Lecture and Paper Development Workshop with Prof. Dr. Alice Eagly, Online


Faculty of Law and Economics
BWL IV: Chair of Human Resource Management & Intrapreneurship

Nadine Albrecht
Research assistant at the chair

Zapf Bulding, House 1, Nürnberger Str. 38

E-mail: Nadine.albrecht@uni-bayreuth.de

Webmaster: Petra Hammon

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